30: Understanding Sleep Cycles

This is a 2 part series on a very foundational aspect of good health - SLEEP. In this episode Angela helps break down for us the different parts of our sleep cycles and what this means for our health both mental, emotional and physical. She discusses REM sleep and non-REM sleep and the variation of brain waves generated in all the different stages of sleep and why this is important. She shares with us the best ways to nap without waking up groggy and how many hours we should sleep every night. Why melatonin is important and how adrenal fatigue and stress can be interfering with our sleep.

Next week in Part 2 Angela will share with us practical tips and steps we can take to improve our sleep quality & cycles so that we can allow our bodies to heal during our sleep and wake up refreshed and motivated for the day ahead!

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Please note: The information given in this podcast is for informational purposes only it is not intended as personal medical advise or treatment. We recommend that you seek advise from a licensed health care professional for your own personal circumstances before applying any new treatments discussed in this podcast.