Posts tagged Food
62: Food Intolerances - Testing & Treatment

Eat foods without fear! In this episode Angela makes a clear distinction between food intolerances and food allergies. She explains simply the different immune reactions we can experience from foods including IgG, IgA, IgE and leucocyte reactions which can be responsible for a wide range of symptoms including: 

  • fatigue
  • skin reactions
  • eczema
  • IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation etc)
  • nausea
  • and much more!

She shows us how we can test for these intolerances and also how we can heal our gut so that we don't have to live with food intolerances forever. This is a practical episode that will help you and your loved ones have a happy, healthy gut and eventually be able to eat foods without fear!

46: What Causes Food Cravings (Rebroadcast)

Happy New Year! This week’s episode is a rebroadcast of the #1 most downloaded episode of 2015. We explore why we crave certain foods? Why do some people try everything but still can't lose weight? Are there any biochemical or neurological reactions involved that could be keeping us stuck in bad habits and stop us from making healthy choices? Angela uncovers all this and more in this episode. She explains some of the nutritional deficiencies that can create common food cravings like chocolate, sugar and salty foods. She sheds light on the role of adrenals and thyroid in diet and weight loss as well as the impact of neurotransmitters on carbohydrate cravings and impulsive tendencies. This show will empower you to take back control over your choices and your health.

Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode the best compliment you can give is a referral, so please share this with your friends and remember to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher and write us a review!

This show is about you, the listener, so get involved and send us your feedback, questions and topic suggestions below or or give us a call 0416-775-530 (for int. 0011 61 416-775-530)

If you would like to book a Skype or in-clinic appointment with Angela CLICK HERE

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44: Your Guide to Nutritious Food Prep

This is a wonderfully practical episode where Angela takes us on a journey through the kitchen sharing with us simple but effective ways to prepare our food so that we keep most of the nutrients in tact and get the most out of our meals.

She covers tips such as increasing 'traffic light' coloured vegetables in our diet, as these bright coloured plants are higher in cancer preventing antioxidants, which cookware to is safest to buy and cook in, the best way to prepare vegetables, fruits and juices, how to buy seasonal produce and much more!

Tune in today if you want some simple ways to make your meals more nutritious and delicious!

"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates 460-370 BC

Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode the best compliment you can give is a referral, so please share this with your friends and remember to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher and write us a review!

This show is about you, the listener, so get involved and send us your feedback, questions and topic suggestions below or or give us a call 0416-775-530 (for int. 0011 61 416-775-530)

If you would like to book a Skype or in-clinic appointment with Angela CLICK HERE

As always, to get a brand new episode of this podcast delivered straight to your desktop computer or mobile device each week, click the Subscribe button below.  

4: What Causes Food Cravings?

Why do we crave certain foods? Why do some people try everything but still can't lose weight? Are there any biochemical or neurological reactions involved that could be keeping us stuck in bad habits and stop us from making healthy choices? Angela uncovers all this and more in this episode. She explains some of the nutritional deficiencies that can create common food cravings like chocolate, sugar and salty foods. She sheds light on the role of adrenals and thyroid in diet and weight loss as well as the impact of neurotransmitters on carbohydrate cravings and impulsive tendencies. This show will empower you to take back control over your choices and your health.

Show notes and resources

  • Headspace - a great mindfulness app to help you gain some more clarity and peace in your thought life, lower your adrenaline and cortisol levels, this is great to do before eating to help improve your digestion.
  • CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - this can be helpful for people dealing with

3 Take Away Keys

  1. Focus on balance. Don't beat yourself up - your amazing! Just aim for the 80/20 rule - 80% healthy, real food and enjoy your 20% guilt free. Don't go all or nothing as this never works long term.

  2. Find out the cause of your food cravings - is it a nutritional deficiency? Is it a neurotransmitter imbalance or a under active thyroid or adrenals? Address these and you will start to notice you are more empowered to make healthy choices!

  3. Take small steps. One at a time. Going cold turkey often does more harm than good. It's the small changes made over time that produce long lasting results. How do you begin a journey of 1000 miles? By taking the first step.

This show is about you, the listener, so get involved and send us your feedback, questions and topic suggestions in the comments section below or by emailing 

If you would like to book a Skype or in-clinic appointment with Angela CLICK HERE

As always, to get a brand new episode of this podcast delivered straight to your desktop computer or mobile device each week, click the Subscribe button below. 

Please note: The information given in this podcast is for informational purposes only it is not intended as personal medical advise or treatment. We recommend that you seek advise from a licensed health care professional for your own personal circumstances before applying any new treatments discussed in this podcast.