Posts tagged Food Intolerances
100: Low FODMAP Diet & 100th Episode Vision!

If you have IBS there is a good chance you've heard of the Low FODMAP diet. But what does it really entail? Which foods are allowed and what is the ultimate purpose of doing this diet?

In this episode Angela answers all these questions and more, giving us a complete overview of the Low FODMAP diet, the goal of this treatment, as well as the next steps, such as SIBO and IgG food intolerance testing, beyond the Low FODMAP diet if you are not getting the results you are looking for.

Angela also shares with us her vision for the upcoming year and the exciting new expansion planned for the podcast to begin creating a larger platform of outstanding health resources as we develop a community of like minded people! So stay tuned for the roll out of these exciting changes!

Show notes & Resources

88: Testing Options for Food Intolerances

In this episode Angela gets specific on the 3 main types of testing available to identify common food intolerances such as wheat, gluten, dairy, eggs and much more. We can develop food intolerances at any point in our lives which can cause us a lot of pain, discomfort and often debilitating symptoms. Intolerances can be very hard to diagnose with a food diary alone, so tune in today to learn some great testing tools that can really help you identify the cause of your symptoms and start healing today!


Just in case you didn't have a pen handy here are the main things you'll need from the show:

  • 3 main types of immune cell responses (and this is what we test for) IgG, IgA, IgE (this last one is a true allergy)
  • ELISA testing and RAST skin testing can check for true allergies
  • Best tests for sensitivities: IgG, IgA or ALCAT testing


This episode is brought to you by Activated Nutrients. Activated Nutrients have developed premium, wholefood based, plant and herbal derived supplements focused on the health needs of women; a once daily all-in-one alternative to synthetic multivitamins, reds & greens powders and pre/pro-biotics. Use code ANGELA20 at checkout for an exclusive 20% off your first order!

63: Gluten Free vs Wheat Intolerance - What's The Difference?

There's a lot of hype these days around going "gluten free". If you've ever wondered what this is really about, the difference between a wheat and gluten intolerance and when to consider that you may have coeliac disease, then this episode is 100% for you. Angela breaks all this down for us in an easy to understand way. She'll help you identify exactly what you may be intolerant to and how to eat a healthy diet without these grains. Angela also debunks the myths and clears the hype around gluten free so you can see what is important and what is just a fad. Listen now to start eating confidently & healthier for you and your family!

62: Food Intolerances - Testing & Treatment

Eat foods without fear! In this episode Angela makes a clear distinction between food intolerances and food allergies. She explains simply the different immune reactions we can experience from foods including IgG, IgA, IgE and leucocyte reactions which can be responsible for a wide range of symptoms including: 

  • fatigue
  • skin reactions
  • eczema
  • IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation etc)
  • nausea
  • and much more!

She shows us how we can test for these intolerances and also how we can heal our gut so that we don't have to live with food intolerances forever. This is a practical episode that will help you and your loved ones have a happy, healthy gut and eventually be able to eat foods without fear!