90: Flower Essences and Emotional Balance

In this heart felt episode Angela chats to us about the power of bringing balance back into our lives, how we can create a little more perspective so we can slow down, create more peace and happiness and learn from whatever emotions we experience. She also explains what flower essences are, how they work and runs through some of the main essences to get us started. These wonderful essences are a great, safe way to help bring emotional balance and stabilize us through periods of stress or change.


The flower essences Angela referenced in the show: 

  • Bach Flower Remedies (Northern hemisphere flowers)
  • Bush Flower Remedies (Southern hemisphere flowers)
  • "Rescue Remedy" (a Bach Flower Mix) is a retail version you can purchase at most health food stores and pharmacies and is a great emergency essence for any stress, anxiety, trauma, to use before an exam or presentation etc and even great for kids (especially when they are melting down and overemotional/fatigued etc)