Posts tagged Herb
86: Herb Highlight - Houttuynia The Powerful Antiviral

This is an eye opening episode where Angela gives us a sneak peak into the world of viruses, mycoplasma and anti-biotic resistant bacteria. We are seeing that drugs are becoming less effective and more and more people are carrying these latent infections which are suppressing our immunes and causing symptoms. Angela shows us how we can use herbs like Houttuynia to start to flush these out of our body and start supporting our immune to bring us back to health.


This episode is brought to you by Activated Nutrients. Activated Nutrients have developed premium, wholefood based, plant and herbal derived supplements focused on the health needs of women; a once daily all-in-one alternative to synthetic multivitamins, reds & greens powders and pre/pro-biotics. Use code ANGELA20 at checkout for an exclusive 20% off your first order!

66: Antiviral Herb Highlight - Baical Skullcap

Today Angela highlights for us a wonderful herb called Baical Skullcap, this herb is an excellent broad spectrum antiviral as well as potent anti-inflammatory, making this very effective to use when you or your loved one is sick with a flu, cold or any viral infection. The anti-flammatory properties help reduce the severity and duration of infections and much more!

In this episode Angela also shares with us how viruses operate, why it's important to address previous infections and some great lifestyle and diet tips on how we can stay healthy throughout winter and the flu season.