Posts tagged Herbs
109: Leisure Sickness: Do Weekends and Holidays Make You Sick?

Have you ever wondered why just when you finally get to the end of a busy period in life or at work and you are FINALLY ready to rest on holidays - you get sick!!? This is not as uncommon as you'd think, it's actually been named 'Leisure Sickness' in the medical community and it has been linked to some identifiable causes. The good news is there are some simple steps you can take to prevent it! So listen in today if you want to keep your weekends and holidays free for actually enjoying & having fun, not getting over being sick.

91: Herb Highlight - Astragalus The Immune Booster

This herb is one of Angela's favourite herbs which has been on her dispensary since day one! Angela explains how this herb is fantastic for chronic lowered immunity and ongoing infections and immune problems, it's also great for stress, lowering blood pressure, heart function and much more!

Listen in today to learn how you could use this herb to boost your immunity, give you energy and help keep you cool, calm and collected through times of stress.


  • Common Name: Astragalus
  • Botanical Name: Astragalus membranaceus
  • Main Actions: Immune enhancing, tonic, adaptogen, cardiotonic, hypotensive, diuretic.
  • Main Safety Considerations: Not advisable in acute infections. Best not used with immunosuppressant drugs. If you are on any medication best to notify your doctor before starting any new supplements or herbs.
66: Antiviral Herb Highlight - Baical Skullcap

Today Angela highlights for us a wonderful herb called Baical Skullcap, this herb is an excellent broad spectrum antiviral as well as potent anti-inflammatory, making this very effective to use when you or your loved one is sick with a flu, cold or any viral infection. The anti-flammatory properties help reduce the severity and duration of infections and much more!

In this episode Angela also shares with us how viruses operate, why it's important to address previous infections and some great lifestyle and diet tips on how we can stay healthy throughout winter and the flu season.

59: Viruses, Mycoplasma & Immune Boosting

Have you been struggling with your immune for a long time? Maybe you wake up everyday with a sore throat or you catch everything that goes around. If so then you may be dealing with a stealthy viral or mycoplasma infection. In this episode Angela explains what viruses and mycoplasma are and how we can specifically target them with herbal medicine, while also boosting our immune system. Addressing these infections head on means we can truly heal, prevent future infections, conditions and complications. Angela outlines some herbs new to Australia that have loads of exciting research surrounding their potent anti-viral, anti-mycoplasma use! Boost your immune today by listening to this episode!

40: Using Herbs As Medicine

"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates

What does this really mean? Research has shown us that many plants, including culinary herbs, contain healing phytochemcials. These are things like nutrients, vitamins & volatile oils that can greatly assist our body to heal and live in optimal health.

In this episode Angela lays down a foundation for us to understand why herbs are so good for us, how we can use plants as medicine in our day to day life. Different ways herbal medicines are prepared ie. dried herbs, poultices, tinctures & standardised extracts as well as simple ways to apply herbs topically and internally to avoid the need for pharmaceutical medications.

This is the first of a series Angela will be doing on herbs as she unlocks the keys of their amazing potential to be used for a wide range of conditions from colds and flus, hormonal imbalances, liver support and so much more! Join with us on this herbal medicine journey to health!

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If you would like to book a Skype or in-clinic appointment with Angela CLICK HERE

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22: Top Herbs For Stress, Anxiety & Fatigue

In this show Angela delves into the remarkable world of Phytotherapy and herbal medicine as she discusses a group of herbs called 'Adaptogens'. These herbs have a remarkable ability to assist our body in adapting to stressors - either mental, emotional or physical - helping the body back to homeostasis, boosting our energy and immunity and helping us heal.

Studies have shown that these adaptogenic herbs can reduce blood cortisol levels by up to 27% and overall stress, anxiety and insomnia markers by 75%. This is a remarkable result, especially when there are little or no side effects from herbs compared to the long and varied side effects from conventional medications. This makes herbal remedies, and specifically adaptogens, a very valuable addition to any treatment plan, to help your body heal, recover and reach it's ultimate potential.

Listen today to find out more ways adaptogens can start helping your body back to health and energy today!

Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode the best compliment you can give is a referral, so please share this with your friends and remember to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher and write us a review!

This show is about you, the listener, so get involved and send us your feedback, questions and topic suggestions below or at or give us a call 0416-775-530 (for int. 0011 61 416-775-530)

If you would like to book a Skype or in-clinic appointment with Angela CLICK HERE

As always, to get a brand new episode of this podcast delivered straight to your desktop computer or mobile device each week, click the Subscribe button below.  

Please note: The information given in this podcast is for informational purposes only it is not intended as personal medical advise or treatment. We recommend that you seek advise from a licensed health care professional for your own personal circumstances before applying any new treatments discussed in this podcast.