Posts tagged Testing
89: PCOS - Causes, Testing & Treatments

Join us as Angela shares the symptoms, best testing methods and underlying hormonal imbalances that can cause this condition. Angela explains how testosterone, glucose, insulin and other female hormones can be out of whack resulting in severe acne, excess hair growth, infertility, long and painful cycles, anxiety, depression and weight gain. The good news is the body wants to heal itself and in this episode you will learn the steps you can take to start healing and restoring balance to your hormones and your life today!

88: Testing Options for Food Intolerances

In this episode Angela gets specific on the 3 main types of testing available to identify common food intolerances such as wheat, gluten, dairy, eggs and much more. We can develop food intolerances at any point in our lives which can cause us a lot of pain, discomfort and often debilitating symptoms. Intolerances can be very hard to diagnose with a food diary alone, so tune in today to learn some great testing tools that can really help you identify the cause of your symptoms and start healing today!


Just in case you didn't have a pen handy here are the main things you'll need from the show:

  • 3 main types of immune cell responses (and this is what we test for) IgG, IgA, IgE (this last one is a true allergy)
  • ELISA testing and RAST skin testing can check for true allergies
  • Best tests for sensitivities: IgG, IgA or ALCAT testing


This episode is brought to you by Activated Nutrients. Activated Nutrients have developed premium, wholefood based, plant and herbal derived supplements focused on the health needs of women; a once daily all-in-one alternative to synthetic multivitamins, reds & greens powders and pre/pro-biotics. Use code ANGELA20 at checkout for an exclusive 20% off your first order!

81: What Your Poo Can Tell You & Testing Options

This a practical episode specific for anyone suffering with digestive disorders. Angela talks us through some different testing options that may be useful and goes into detail explaining what is tested in a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) and how to use it.

This is a great, easy, non-invasive way to assess:

  • Digestive ability
  • Absorption capacity
  • Micro biome and any imbalances in the bacteria
  • Parasitic infection
  • Yeast infection
  • Accessory organs such as the liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas

Join us today to learn more and take charge of your health! Please remember to spread the word and review us if you love the show.

Show notes & Resources

77: Thyroid Testing - The Best Options

In this short and sweet episode Angela chats with us about Urinary Iodine Loading testing, one of her favourite tests she uses in clinic when she suspects someone's thyroid may not be functioning 100%.

Iodine is essential for proper thyroid function. Many GP's will test TSH on a blood test and if this is normal move on. However as a Naturopath Angela is aware there is more to the story than that and will dig a bit further with some additional blood tests alongside this wonderfully simple and informative Urinary Iodine Loading Test.

Listen in today to learn how this might be beneficial for you.

62: Food Intolerances - Testing & Treatment

Eat foods without fear! In this episode Angela makes a clear distinction between food intolerances and food allergies. She explains simply the different immune reactions we can experience from foods including IgG, IgA, IgE and leucocyte reactions which can be responsible for a wide range of symptoms including: 

  • fatigue
  • skin reactions
  • eczema
  • IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation etc)
  • nausea
  • and much more!

She shows us how we can test for these intolerances and also how we can heal our gut so that we don't have to live with food intolerances forever. This is a practical episode that will help you and your loved ones have a happy, healthy gut and eventually be able to eat foods without fear!

27: How To Check For Hormonal Imbalances

If you've ever experienced period pain, cramping, mood swings, heavy bleeding, irregular or absent periods, menopausal symptoms (hot flushes, night sweats etc), endometriosis, PCOS and other endocrine related disorders, then you may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance.

In this episode Angela takes the time to share with us the functional tests she most commonly uses in clinic to help her accurately identify for her patients which hormones are out of balance and why the underlying imbalance is being triggered. She explains the benefits and uses of common tests such as Female Salivary Hormone Testing, Urinary Oestrogen Metabolites Testing, Blood Testing and more.

If you have struggled with hormonal issues than this could help you find the next step towards healing, by getting tested and accurately diagnosing the imbalance you can begin treating it at the cause and healing the problem at the root!

Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode the best compliment you can give is a referral, so please share this with your friends and remember to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher and write us a review!

This show is about you, the listener, so get involved and send us your feedback, questions and topic suggestions below or at or give us a call 0416-775-530 (for int. 0011 61 416-775-530)

If you would like to book a Skype or in-clinic appointment with Angela CLICK HERE

As always, to get a brand new episode of this podcast delivered straight to your desktop computer or mobile device each week, click the Subscribe button below.  

Please note: The information given in this podcast is for informational purposes only it is not intended as personal medical advise or treatment. We recommend that you seek advise from a licensed health care professional for your own personal circumstances before applying any new treatments discussed in this podcast.

10: Decoding Hypothyroidism (Part 2)

This two part series takes an in depth look at hypothyroidism, including common causes for reduced thyroid function along with natural treatments to start restoring thyroid function and hormone levels today. 

Angela discusses how fatigue, unexplained weight gain, mood fluctuations, high cholesterol, infertility and more can be associated with lowered thyroid function. She explains how to interpret thyroid test results and shares with you additional functional testing your doctor may not be telling you about.

In these compelling episodes Angela outlines for us the nutrients needed by the thyroid to create the essential thyroid hormones and manage metabolism in the body as well as a number of herbal therapies that have proved very effective. She explains the role of autoimmunity in thyroid conditions, how to identify this from sub-clinical hypothyroidism and additional testing required when auto-immunity is suspected so you can treat the underlying cause.

This is a must-listen for anyone wanting to find the keys to why they may have lowered metabolism, unexplained weight gain, fatigue, mood swings and low thyroid function, providing empowering tools for your journey to recovery.

Show Notes & Resources:

3 Take Away Keys

  1. Look into functional testing to assess your current thyroid function, these tests can include some or all of the following; Blood test for TSH, T3, T4, reverse T3, thyroid antibodies, 24 hour Urinary Iodine Loading Test, Salivary Cortisol Testing and Hair Mineral Analysis
  2. Start treating the underlying causes ie. reducing stress levels, removing fluoride and bromine from the diet and water, increase iodine in your diet and possibly look at supplementing with iodine (depending on your urinary test results), consider also supplementing with the co-factors we've discussed. 
  3. Dietary changes - increase iodine rich foods - seafood, sea vegetables, fish, sea salt. Reduce goitrogenic foods including soy, cruciferous vegetables (ie broccoli, bok choy, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, radishes, kale). Look at cutting out the fluoride by investing in a reverse osmosis filter, always remember to remineralise before drinking distilled water, and avoid bromine in bread, soft drink and food products. Focus on eating 6 small meals a day to keep your energy up and support the thyroid in managing healthy metabolism levels while it is healing.

Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode the best compliment you can give is a referral, so please share this with your friends and remember to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher and write us a review!

This show is about you, the listener, so get involved and send us your feedback, questions and topic suggestions at -  email us at or give us a call 0416-775-530 (for int. 0011 61 416-775-530)

If you would like to book a Skype or in-clinic appointment with Angela CLICK HERE

As always, to get a brand new episode of this podcast delivered straight to your desktop computer or mobile device each week, click the Subscribe button below.  

Please note: The information given in this podcast is for informational purposes only it is not intended as personal medical advise or treatment. We recommend that you seek advise from a licensed health care professional for your own personal circumstances before applying any new treatments discussed in this podcast.