Posts in Podcast
124: Clove Oil for Treating Mould

Learn how to use this powerful oil to kill and prevent mould from growing in your home. Angela shares some of the symptoms that can be associated with mould exposure, how to test for mould sensitivities and her own mould cleaning routine that works a treat!

123: Stroke Awareness and Response

Do you know the signs of a stroke? How do you respond? Learn the FAST system of identifying and responding to a stroke to minimise permanent damage and possibly save your life or that of a loved one! We also chat about ways to reduce your risk of having a stroke with some easy steps you can take to prevent stroke and heart disease formation. This show is a must listen and definitely one you'll want to share with loved ones.

122: Nutrients for Liver Detox

Find out how you can optimise your liver and detox pathways with this episode! The liver has to process 100's of chemicals everyday. There are two main phases in the process of liver detoxification. In this episode Angela outlines for us the main nutrients our liver needs to activate these pathways and safely and effectively eliminate these chemicals and toxic byproducts from our body. Listen in to learn how to adjust your diet and add in these nutrients and herbs to help your today!

121: The Hormonal & Health Effects of Carrying Excess Fat

Did you know that fat tissue is actually hormonally active? This eye opening episode reveals the varied symptoms and chronic conditions that can be related to carrying excess weight and the resulting metabolic syndromes. Things like infertility, PCOS, fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease, poor memory and much more! Listen today to learn how it can affect us and simple, easy steps to start rebalancing and returning to health!

120: Yoga During Pregnancy

Angela shares with us an overview of the many benefits of doing yoga daily throughout pregnancy. Yoga can help reduce pain and strain, strengthen our bodies and protect our backs during pregnancy, create flexibility and is great preparation for a healthy, natural birth! Yoga teaches us some great positions that open our pelvis and help to get our gorgeous babies into the ideal position for a smooth labour and birth.

119: Recovery “Lag-Time”

Understanding the gut & how it works in our busy 21st century lives, many of us forget to take the time out our bodies need to truly heal and recover when we are sick. In this episode Angela explores with us why it is so important to listen to our bodies and take the appropriate amount of time to recover.. including a 2-3 day gap AFTER we are feeling well again. Angela sheds light on how the viruses and bacteria work and how we best allow our immune system to beat them. Listen in today to prevent elongating your sickness or getting sick again soon after!

117: Understanding the Gut & How it Works (Part 1)

In this episode we take a slightly more scientific look at the gut, what it is made up of, the individual layers and how they function. We also explore ways the gut can be damaged and how we can prevent this. We touch on nutrients needed for different cells in the gut. This is the first episode in a two part series so join us next week where we continue exploring specific nutrients we need and how we can heal our gut and keep it working optimally into the future.

116: Omega 3, EPA, DHA Needs in Pregnancy
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Join us today as Angela highlights for us the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA & EPA in pregnancy and beyond. You will learn why this nutrient is important, how it helps mum and baby, how we can include more of this in our diet, which fish are safe to eat in pregnancy and how to choose a good fish oil supplement.

Show notes & Resources

- Heart Foundation Article listing amounts of EPA DHA in 150g serve of different types of fish

115: Serotonin's Role in Mood, Appetite and Sleep

Today’s episode is an in depth look into the vital function of the neurotransmitter serotonin in regulation of our mood, sleep, eating habits, anxiety, depression, OCD, pain, memory and much more! Angela explains why we may be deficient in serotonin and melatonin, why Tryptophan is important, what co-factors we need, such as B3, B6, Zinc, Folate, for serotonin to work properly.

You will learn how you can immediately start boosting your mood, addressing anxiety and depression, reduce food cravings and improve your sleep with the tools and tips Angela shares.

Show notes & Resources

- Headspace - free mindfulness meditation resource mentioned in the show

114: Pregnancy Nutrients (Part 2)

Part 2 in our series, Angela covers the remaining nutrients that are essential for us to intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding to have a happy, healthy baby and enjoy a strong, healthy body ourselves! Covering symptoms of deficiency as well as RDI and therapeutic dosage ranges.

Angela also touches on the benefits of delayed cord clamping, an overview of trimester specific nutrients as well as dietary ways to increase these essential nutrients.

Listen in today and spread the word to anyone you know who could benefit from knowing this information!

113: Pregnancy Nutrients (Part 1)

This 2 part series provides an easy to understand overview of the main nutrients needed during pregnancy and specifics as to why we need them, what roles they play for baby and for mum.

Angela also ties in the role of methylation and when we need to consider activated nutrients, how we can use diet to boost our intake and how to reduce our risk factors for gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.

This is a power packed series that will leave you feeling positive and empowered to have a happy healthy pregnancy!

111: Homemade Healthy Chocolate Recipe

Want to enjoy some chocolate with the family but avoid all the sugar and processed chocolate on the market? Well there is a simple solution.. make your own!

Today Angela shares with us her super simple, 3 ingredient, nutritious chocolate recipe which you can make in 5 minutes at home. You don't have to be a pro in the kitchen to make this, anyone can do it. So listen and give it a try today - your tastebuds, family and body will thank you!


Link to Angela's Raw Chocolate recipe >

110: Dangers of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics

In July 2016 the FDA released a serious new health warning for a group of antibiotics due to their "disabling side effects". In this episode Angela uncovers for us the potential dangers and irreversible side effects this popular class of antibiotics - Fluoroquinolone's. In 2010 Levaquin, an antibiotic in this category, was the best selling antibiotic in the USA. We now know that this group of drugs carries a hefty risk of damaging side effects such as: Tendon rupture, blood clots, wide spread muscle & joint pain (fibromyalgia and arthritis), retinal detachment and other vision issues, depression, neurological conditions and much more!

Listen in to learn more and get educated on other options which should be considered first before ever using this class of antibiotics, so you can make informed decisions for you and your family.


Shownotes & Resources:

Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics - also sold under the following brand and generic names: Cipro, ciprofloxacin, Cipro XR, Proquin XR, gemifloxacin, Factive, levofloxacin, Levaquin, moxifloxacin, Avelox, norfloxacin, Noroxin, and ofloxacin, Floxin. Make sure to keep this list of antitibiotics with you next time you go to the doctor and if they want to prescribe one of these, ask them to use a different antibiotic first. In 99% of cases there ARE other options, so don't allow yourself to be pressured into taking this class of antibiotics.


Links discussed in the show:

Facebook support group for people suffering from Fluoroquinalone Side Effects - and

FDA - Health & Safety Warning released in July 2016

FDA - list of generic and brand names of the fluoroquinalone group of drugs and additional side effects

New York Times news article referenced in the show - this also has some additional links in the article.

109: Leisure Sickness: Do Weekends and Holidays Make You Sick?

Have you ever wondered why just when you finally get to the end of a busy period in life or at work and you are FINALLY ready to rest on holidays - you get sick!!? This is not as uncommon as you'd think, it's actually been named 'Leisure Sickness' in the medical community and it has been linked to some identifiable causes. The good news is there are some simple steps you can take to prevent it! So listen in today if you want to keep your weekends and holidays free for actually enjoying & having fun, not getting over being sick.

108: Sneaking Nutrients Into Your Diet with Smoothies

In this very practical episode Angela breaks down for us exactly what goes into her nutrient-packed morning smoothie and the health benefits of each ingredient (e.g. cacao, LSA, lecithin, chia seeds and much more!). A smoothie is a great way to sneak so many vitamins, minerals, protein and EFA's into your daily diet, so listen in today if you want to boost your health and enjoy a delicious, ice cold drink at the same time!

Get the Chocolate Bliss Smoothie recipe here > 

107: Understanding & Supplementing Iron Deficiency

In this episode Angela breaks down for us the role of iron in the body, who is likely to become deficient, what the tell-tale symptoms are and how we can go about supplementing our iron levels.Angela discusses the different forms of iron and how we can avoid becoming constipated by taking the right form with the right co-factors to assist absorption and function.

Listen in today if you are iron deficient or suspect you might be to learn the simple next steps to take!

106: How To Mix a Herbal Remedy

In this episode Angela gives us an insight into how to build an individual herbal remedy from scratch. She discusses the purpose and benefits of using a herbal remedy, how to pick the herbs, how many herbs to put in each formula and much more!

This is an excellent episode for all the budding herbalists and Naturopath's out there, as well as for anyone who is interested in improving their health through the use of herbs.

105: Medical Marijuana with Dr. Rachna Patel

Join us today as we discuss this current hot topic of Medicinal Marijuana. 2017 sees the laws in Australia changing to allow the use of medically prescribed Marijuana in the treatment of many common conditions.

This interview with Medical Marijuana expert Dr Patel covers the background, historical and current use of Marijuana to treat a wide range of conditions including: chronic pain, cancer, anxiety, insomnia and much more. We look at the various forms of administration and how to know you are getting the highest quality herbal preparations, how long treatment takes to work, dosages and much more!Please join us for this eye opening episode.

Show notes & Resources